As usual, it's been a long time since I've written anything here.
There's no real reason for my absence online, other than that I've been busy working and trying to put my life back together. I've had a lot of personal things I needed to take care of, things that I've been ignoring for far too long. It was time to clean out my closet, so to say.
Part of doing that included creating a new Facebook page. It got to the point where I was worrying too much about what I was posting, who it would offend, and who would take things the wrong way. The result? A brand new page. I went from nearly 600 "friends" to just over 50. I would have never been able to delete that many people. Fifty people that I actually talk to. Fifty people that don't use my postings against me. Fifty people that have reached out in one way or another, made a positive impact in my life. Though, that number will definitely grow, but it will be a positive, meaningful growth.
I've given up on a lot of things in life this year. I'm not the same person I was a year ago, but I don't think that I should be. That's part of growing up, right? I think I'm stronger. I'm smarter. I'm braver. More brave? Either way, I don't take crap from people anymore. I don't let people use me. I'm done with that side of me. I tell people what I'm thinking. I don't hide my feelings anymore. Above all, I've learned to ask for help. To reach out to others when I'm in need, something I rarely ever did.
I laugh, more than ever.
I talk, more than ever.
I feel, more than ever.
I am the same me, but at the same time I'm not. Not even close.
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